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Credit: 1/2
Prerequisite: Design
This course teaches students to create art using production techniques that span the history of Western art from pre-history to modern times. Studio activities include creation of stained glass panels, bas-relief soapstone carving, ceramics, lithography, calligraphy, creation of pigments and tools from natural materials, pastel painting, and other work that will help students develop a deeper understanding of the major characteristics and trends of each period. Emphasis is placed on acquiring technical skills and on developing an understanding of the historical and cultural context in which each art form was practiced.
The following images are examples of techniques. They are not student artwork.

Impressionist Pastels

Soapstone Animals


Impressionism Pastel
By Awassabee

Impressionist Pastel

Molly Illumination

Impressionist Pastel

Soapstone Turtle

Sun Stained Glass

Soapstone Bas Relief

Cave Painting Image

Cave Hand Prints
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